Our Story

Preserving An Ancestral heritage

“As a native of Deir Mimas, in Southern Lebanon, I grew up observing the magic and mystery surrounding our Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Being commonly referred to as the “Bordeaux of Olive Oils”, has always made me proud.

The harvesting season was and still is a real moment of joy and reunion for us: October is a festive month in the camps, at the mills, and in our houses.

I considered this heritage a blessing and it had a considerable emotional impact on me. With time passing by, it felt that sharing this treasure of ours the world over is something I owe to my country, to my village, and to my family.

Today, our High antioxidant and International Awards Winner liquid gold is within your reach wherever you are around the globe: Thus, I invite you to discover Darmmess and to enjoy its complex yet harmonious taste, reminiscent of unripe green olives with bitter spicy notes and a fruity aroma”.


Rose Bechara Perini


An authentic taste of Lebanon!

Commitment to quality

Discover the excellence of our superior organoleptic profile in every drop, coming straight from the unspoiled land of the ancient Phoenicians in southern Lebanon. This “cold-extracted” Multi Award Winner is made from a 100% “Souri” olive variety, one of the oldest and rarest in the world. Ranking in the top 1% of the world’s oils, Darmmess is an elixir of life, loaded with strong antioxidants, known as polyphenols.

Farming Partners
Millennial Olive Trees
International Awards

Best Catering Services

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